
The Division of 学生事务 is committed to creating a safe and supportive learning community at 十大彩票平台. We depend on members of the college community to identify and report behaviors of concern so that we can provide students in distress with appropriate support services and resources. Please use the forms below to complete a report. If you have any questions, please email 学生事务 at student_affairs@crepedcrusader.com.


Use this form to report potential violations of the 学生 Code of Conduct for follow-up by 学生事务.

一般事件 Reporting Form


Use this form to report incidents of 学术欺骗.

学术欺骗 Reporting Form


Use this form to report a concern for the general health and well-being of a student. This report will be sent to the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT).

的担心 Form

Policy on 反歧视行动 (PAA) and 第九条关注事项

The campus community and responsible employees should complete this form to report concerns for students who may be experiencing discrimination that violates the 大学’s Policy on 反歧视行动, Equal Opportunity & 多样性(PAA). This form should also be used to report concerns for students whose behavior, 行动, or conditions may be covered by Title IX.

  • 交换条件
  • 性侵犯
  • 约会暴力
  • 家庭暴力
  • 跟踪
  • Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Conditions

PAA & 第九条关注事项 Form


Use this form to report potential violations of the 学生 Code of Conduct for follow-up by 学生事务.


Use this form to report incidents of 学术欺骗


Use this form to report a concern for the general health and well-being of a student. This report will be sent to the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT).