

詹姆斯·穆拉夫斯基爆头James Murawski earned his Associate Degree in automotive technology from 十大彩票平台 in 1983. 在汽车行业工作的时候, 他在剑桥学院获得了教育学硕士学位,并在十大彩票平台公立学校系统从事了32年的教学工作. 现在处于半退休状态, 詹姆斯享受家庭时光, 替代的教学, 修复经典汽车和收音机. 他是奇科皮的终身居民, 他和妻子住在那里, 帕特丽夏, 还有他们的两个儿子, 凯文和迈克尔.


十大彩票平台 provided me with the means to 继续我的教育 during a time of national recession. My degree from Western New England 大学 / University left me in 债务 with no real-world marketable skills. 十大彩票平台 provided the opportunity to gain marketable skills in the automotive field. My automotive degree from 十大彩票平台 allowed me to obtain a position at Sears & 罗巴克在霍利奥克商场. I held my position at Sears for six years which allowed me to pay off my student loans, 继续我的教育, 恢复我的自尊. The faculty and job placement services at 十大彩票平台 were far above those provided by Western New England University. I formed lasting friendships with my fellow automotive students. My time at 十大彩票平台 was critical to my future career success. In retrospect, 十大彩票平台 is the most positive 学习 experience in my whole academic/student career. With my thirty-four-plus years of experience in education, I feel that I could make positive and helpful suggestions for the continued growth of 十大彩票平台. I would like the opportunity to give back to 十大彩票平台 for all it has done for me.


劳拉·汤普金斯的大头照我叫劳拉·汤普金斯(劳拉·汤普金斯),是库利·迪金森医院(Cooley Dickinson Hospital)的注册诊断医学超声医师,也是十大彩票平台的光荣校友. I have lived in Western Massachusetts my whole life, 但只要有机会,我就喜欢旅行——我最近的冒险是去亚利桑那州和犹他州探索大峡谷和其他多个国家公园. 在我的业余时间, 我喜欢烹饪。, 做游戏, and doing anything outdoors with my friends and family. 我最近获得了成像科学领导学士学位,目前正在攻读卫生专业教育硕士学位,以便更多地了解教学, 学习, 丰富学生的生活. I strongly credit my time at 十大彩票平台 for much of my personal development into the confident, 全面发展的, 我现在是一个充满爱心的年轻女性.


长期以来,我一直致力于促进十大彩票平台的发展,并为学生和社区倡导,这是我相信我可以作为理事做出重大贡献的主要原因. 2014-2015年在十大彩票平台的第一年之后, I recognized the impact that the college was already having on me with its diverse student body, 专门的老师, 以及对可负担性的承诺. Starting in 2015, I began serving as a student leader at 十大彩票平台 in the 学生 Ambassador Program. 这个项目给了我大量的机会来协助和代表学院,无论是对内还是对外. 在学生大使项目中,我的领导能力和沟通能力得到了极大的提升,因此我能够在社区内建立有意义的联系. My involvement within the college and community was recognized with multiple awards and scholarships, 包括埃德蒙P. 加维奖, 十大彩票平台作品奖学金, 校友会奖学金, 课外学习奖学金, and 十大彩票平台 Professor Marcia Sias Scholarship. 我有责任作为学校的积极代表,这真正激发了我对高等教育的兴趣. 2018年从十大彩票平台毕业后, 我知道我想继续我的教育,以追求领导的机会,可以连接我未来的教育事业.

从那时起, 我获得了成像科学领导学士学位,现在就读于MGH卫生专业学院,攻读卫生专业教育硕士学位. My goal is to one day return to 十大彩票平台 as a faculty member and serve as the program director for the sonography program. 现在, I am connected to 十大彩票平台 as a clinical instructor for the 十大彩票平台 students who are placed at Cooley Dickinson Hospital, where I am employed as a full-time sonographer. 除了, I also serve as a member of the Advisory Board for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at 十大彩票平台. 这使我能够与十大彩票平台教师直接沟通,提供有意义的反馈,以支持当前和未来的超声项目学生. The opportunity to further advocate for 十大彩票平台, as well as its students and faculty, would be an honor. 我的专业发展很大程度上归功于十大彩票平台为我提供的经验,我是十大彩票平台如何十大彩票平台和改变生活的直接代表. My testimonial regarding my positive experience can even be found on the 十大彩票平台 website under the sonography program. I am a dedicated and responsible worker who brings passion to all my pursuits, and I hope I have the opportunity to show that commitment by serving as a Trustee.


劳里·威斯·马丁的大头照劳里·威斯·马丁 is the Vice President of Finance-支持 Services at Baystate 健康, Inc. 在十大彩票平台, Massachusetts which is the largest integrated healthcare delivery system in Western Massachusetts employing over 13,000名团队成员.

在Baystate 健康, Laurie is responsible for overseeing Financial Reporting, 投资, 债务, 现金管理, 支付系统, 应付账款, 工资, 决策支持, 及策略规划. 她支持Baystate卫生理事会的各个小组委员会,并协调所有外部审计活动. 劳丽在多样性方面非常活跃, 股本, and 包容 initiatives at the health system and Co-Chairs the Military Veterans Employee Resource Group.

Prior to rejoining Baystate 健康 after serving as the Director of Treasury Services there for 20 years, Laurie was the Chief Investment Officer for the State of Connecticut Office of the Treasurer. 在那里,她管理着一个专业团队,负责投资超过330亿美元的养老金资产,这些资产包括康涅狄格州的公立学校教师在内的州和地方雇员. 她积极参与金融扫盲项目,并为康涅狄格州居民管理康涅狄格高等教育信托大学储蓄计划.

劳里在马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校获得MBA学位, a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from American International 大学, and an Associate Degree in Accounting from 十大彩票平台技术社区学院. She is a Certified Public Accountant in Massachusetts.


十大彩票平台代表了我在会计和金融方面的教育生涯的开始,并为我进一步的中学教育和我的职业生涯奠定了基础. 十大彩票平台的会计课程是马萨诸塞州最好的课程之一,我永远感谢这个在我的家乡十大彩票平台负担得起的基金会. 作为十大彩票平台的勤工俭学学生, 在本科期间,我有能力在经济援助部门工作,这为我对非营利工作的热爱奠定了基础. 我在KPMG Peat Marwick开始了我的公共会计职业生涯,并继续学习更多关于非营利财务的知识. 从这里, 我花了一段时间在保险行业,专注于投资会计,但1997年在Baystate 健康重返非营利领域. I spent over 20 years progressing through this organization managing investments, 债务, 现金管理, 以及养老金管理. In 2016, 我借此机会更专注于养老金投资,并成为康涅狄格州的首席投资官, 我不仅学到了很多关于公共养老金的知识,还学到了受托人在治理和管理中所扮演的角色. 最后, in 2021, I returned to Baystate 健康 as the Vice President of Finance-支持 Services and work there today. 我认为我在十大彩票平台开始的经历使我有资格成为一名强大的受托人,我很乐意以积极的方式做出贡献