Tips for a Successful Zoom Session

How can I get the most out of my tutoring session?


  • 与导师一对一
  • Ability to screen share 
    • Use of on-screen annotation or drawing 
  • Ability to work through Google Doc 
    • Both parties should have this open to collaborate
  • Camera on whenever possible
    • This helps to facilitate nonverbal communication which can be more informative at times
    • This will also allow you to feel more of a human connection with your tutor 


  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to work
    • preferably alone so there are no distractions.
  • Establish your working area with minimal distractions
    • If possible ask others to leave the room 
    • Turn off music/televisions 
    • Do your best to avoid answering your cell phone whenever possible
  • Make sure you test your video/lighting/and sound prior to the session 
    • Test headphones ahead of time if you use them


  • Open your assignment instructions.
    • If you’ve started your assignment, keep it open so that it’s easy to turn to.
  • Have any draft of your assignment ready to be shared for collaboration
  • Prepare questions and concerns you have before a session.
    • These can be broad or vague ideas to get started at first
    • 例子
      • “What should my outline contain?”
      • “How do I write a thesis statement?”
      • “Can you help me understand the assignment criteria?”